Stuff to buy or make:
A mod-able switch
128GB micro sd card (64GB will work but I recommend 128GB)
A sd card reader if your computer does not have one.
RCM Jig **
USB Cable – to plug in the switch to your computer
** You can use a paperclip. I did this but if this is not done correctly, you could damage your switch. Not recommended.
Make a RCM clip
I advise making folders on your desktop called switch, inject, acnh-software.
Main Software for SD Card
First, go to
Select Recommended Defaults
Leave all as is EXCEPT check the box next to JKSV
At the bottom of the page, click Download Your Zip.
Save it to the folder ‘switch’.
Software to access the switch wirelessly
Go to
Click to download. Save it to the folder ‘switch’.
A payload sending application
For Windows, you can use TegraRcmGUI by eliboa and rajkosto. – download and install the .msi file.
For OSX and Linux, you can use fusee-launcher by ReSwitched.
Save to the folder ‘inject’.
Software to manage your island
ACNHSpawner – Windows
Open the zip and drag or copy the folder ACNHMS_Win to the folder on your desktop called acnh-software
Open the zip and drag or copy the folder NHSE to the folder on your desktop called acnh-software